1944 広島県に生まれる 1962 京泉窯に入社 1988瑞古窯として独立 2012京焼・清水焼伝統工芸士会会長就任 2013京都府伝統工芸産業優秀技術者表彰受賞 2015叙勲 瑞宝単光賞受賞 主に割烹食器制作
Founded in Hiroshima prefecture in 1944, reformed as the new “Kyosen Kiln” in 1988, and then re-established as the independent “Zuiko Kiln” in 1988. Appointed Chairman of the Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki Traditional Craftsmen Association in 2013, and in 2015 was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure Award. We primarily deal in the production of tableware for traditional Japanese cuisine.