主たる事業 ①「伝統的工芸品産業の振興に関する法律」に基づく振興計画の策定及び実施、並びに指導推進に関する事業 ② 所属員の取り扱う共同生産、共同販売、共同検査、原料及び資材の共同購買 ③ 所属員の事業に関する経営及び技術の改善向上または知識の普及を図るために教育及び情報の提供
Principal operations: ①Promotion, implementation and guidance in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries; ②Working with affiliates in the production, sales, examination, and the procurement of materials; ③Working with industry affiliates on the administration and advancement of craft technologies, as well as the supply of training and information with the goal of knowledge distribution.