会社の理念「無創有」京都は職商人の町お客(消費者)の立場を考え、物を作り出す。職商魂をモットーに運営を行う。世界の和田と歌われる和田三造画伯(芸術院会員文化功労者)に陶芸漆芸ガラス金属紙等のデザインの指導を授かる。全国網でデザイン生産調整を行い、宮内庁社寺仏閣御用達 全国料亭 観光ホテル販売、教育面に於いて、絵付体験を行う時代に合わせ創作躍進している。
Our ideology, “Uncreated”, considers the professional merchant industry of Kyoto (and its consumers), and allows us to create our goods. We embrace the motto of commercial spirit through our operations. Our designs for ceramic lacquer art, glass, metals and paper, were blessed unto us by the internationally renowned painter, Sanzo Wada (Academy of Arts Person of Cultural Merit). We carry out design production adjustments across the national network, and are making strides in the creation of ceramic paintings relevant for the times, working with the Imperial Household Agency, shrine and temples, nationwide Japanese restaurants, tourist hotels, and in instructional settings.
We are Kyoto’s merchant traders (“akindo”) shop.