初代徳泉は江戸後期の名工・四代目海老屋清兵衛に師事。その後、京都五条坂にて開窯する。昭和四十六年 宇治市炭山の山里に京式登り窯と共に工房を移す。平成二十五年 京都府より「京の老舗」表彰受賞。主に茶陶を制作する。
The first generation Tokusen studied under the fourth generation master craftsman, Seibei Ebiya in the latter half of the Edo period, before establishing our workshop in Kyoto’s Gojozaka. Our workshop was then moved to the mountain hamlet of Sumiyama, Uji city in 1971, alongside Kyoto’s climbing kiln. In 2013 we received the “Long-established Establishment” award from Kyoto prefecture. We are primarily engaged in the production of Japanese tea ceremony goods.