1979年 京都生まれる陶芸家谷口良三を祖父に谷口正典を父にもつ 風雅な香り、優美な優しさをそなえた地で無から有をつくるには自然の土、水、炎そこに心、気を入れて自分で調合した釉薬を用いて『深海の遺跡』をテーマに作品を制作しています 。 現在:日展会友・日本新工芸家連盟会員・京都工芸美術作家協会会員
Yoshitaka Taniguchi was born in 1979 in Kyoto. Following the footsteps of his father, Masanori Taniguchi, and grandfather, Ryozo Taniguchi, he became a ceramist who combines the elegant scents and tenderness of the earth to create something from nothing. Using earth, water and flame, he applies himself to his creations under the theme “Ruins of the Deep Sea”.
Currently he is a member of the Nitten Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, Japan’s New Craftsmen's Federation, and a member of Kyoto Crafts and Artists Association.