初代蘇山は加賀藩士の家に生まれ、明治維新後 九谷で陶画を学び、焼き物の道に入る。1907年蘇山青磁を完成させ、1917年に帝室技芸員を拝命。姪の虎子が二代を継ぎ、その甥の修が三代を継ぐ。主に茶道具・青磁の作品を制作。
The first generation Sozan was born in present day Ishikawa prefecture in the household of a feudal retainer. After the Meiji Restoration, he studied Kutani ceramics and began his career in pottery. In 1907 he completed works on his “Sozan Celadon”, and in 1917 he became an appointed artist for the Imperial family. Sozan’s niece Torako became the 2nd generation Sozan, and his nephew Osamu became the 3rd generation. We specialise in the production of Japanese tea ceremony goods and celadon ceramics.