晴光 [ 三谷 幸史 ]

Mitani Koji


1937年(昭和12年)の創業以来、皆様のご愛顧に深く感謝しながら京焼・清水焼の産地製造卸売業を中心とし百貨店ならびに小売店・専門店に広く商品を提供させて頂いています。 京焼・清水焼の伝統を守りながら新しい商品開発に取り組み、窯元・作家と共にお客様のニーズにあった商品を提供していきたいと考えております。一人でも多くの人に楽しんでいただければ幸いです。
Since our establishment in 1937, we have been deeply grateful for your patronage as we focused on the manufacture and wholesale of Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki ceramics, providing a wide range of goods to department stores, retail stores and speciality shops. We strive to maintain the tradition of Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki ceramics, while at the same time working with ceramicists and creators to develop new products to meet our customers’ needs. We hope that as many people as possible are able to enjoy our goods.
