祖父である、初代久世久宝より、茶陶匠として、現在六代目。 又、六代目の当代は、初代田中寿宝でもある。 主として茶道具のみを制作する。仁清・乾山・染付・祥瑞・金襴手・繊細な彫刻・その他色々と作陶
Yasumasa inherited his family’s ceramist practice from his grandfather, the first generation Kuze Kyuho, and is now in its 6th generation. This current generation also represents the first generation of Juhou Tanaka. We principally focus on the production of Japanese tea ceremony goods, and also craft works such as Ninsei, Kenza, Sometsuke, Shonzui, gold-painted porcelain, delicate engravings and many more.