北斗 [清水 明]



1984年独立開窯 以来、茶道具・食器・装飾品等の色絵陶磁器を製作 2007年伝統工芸士認定 2016年京都市未来の名匠認定 2020年現在京都色絵陶芸協同組合理事長  京焼・清水焼伝統工芸士会副会長 京都陶磁器協同組合連合会副会長
Since our founding in 1984, we have been producers of glazed porcelain (Iro-e) tea ceremony, tableware, ornamental and decoration goods. We were recognised as a Traditional Craftsman in 2007, and in 2016 were acknowledged as Kyoto city’s Future Master Craftsman. As of 2020, we operate as the board chairman of Kyoto’s Iro-e Ceramics Cooperative, vice president of the Kyoyaki and Kiyomizu Traditional Craftsmen Association, and vice president of the Kyoto Ceramics Cooperative Association.
