五雲陶苑 [ 前田 喜代範 ]



昭和初期、初代祖父「三太郎」が京都東山泉涌寺にて「五雲窯」として作陶を始める。二代目父「正範」は六代清水六兵衛に師事し、日展、 日本新工芸展を主な制作の場とた。三代目「喜代範」は祖父、父の志を継ぎ、伝統ある京焼・ 清水焼の地にて陶芸家として励んでいる。
In the beginning of the Showa period (circa. 1926), our founding grandfather Santaro began creating porcelain under the title “Goungama'' in Kyoto’s Sennyuji temple. Our second generation ceramist, Masanori studied under the 6th generation Rokubey and exhibited his works at the Japanese Nitten and the Japanese New Crafts exhibitions. Our current third generation cermist, Kiyonori Maeda, inherits the aspirations of his grandfather and father and works hard as a ceramist in the traditional Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki areas.
